There are many different types of samples, and here are just a few that we work with often';
PROTOTYPE- This is most often a very first sample of a product or garment that has just started. It is expected that the sample will need a fitting and reiterations. It’s to get your idea into reality and work out the kinks from there. Sometimes this type of sample is interchangeable with “first sample”. This can be both products and garments. Usually a comparable yet cost efficient fabric will be used to save on costs.
FIRST SAMPLE- Similar to a prototype, this is a sample created from the data on spec sheets or in tech packs and is the starting point to developing perfect fit for a garment. This can also pertain to products, not just garments. Like a prototype, issues are troubleshooted and generally a second sample is created from there. Usually a comparable yet cost efficient fabric will be used to save on costs.
SECOND SAMPLE- Same as a first sample but with the issues addressed and corrected in the second sample. Sometimes correcting one issue in a prototype or firs sample can create issues elsewhere in the garment, which is why a second sample is usually necessary. Usually a comparable yet cost efficient fabric will be used to save on costs.
FINAL SAMPLE- This is a sample created in the actual desired fabric and notions to show the factories what is acceptable in terms of quality, fit, construction and look. Generally, it will represent what your consumer purchases in the end.
PHOTO SAMPLE- Same as a final sample, although virtually any sample can be used for photography (worn by models and for marketing and advertising purposes).
TOP (TOP-OF-PRODUCTON) SAMPLE- This is a random pull from the production line to check the quality of items being produced. Pulling a few of these from a production of 100 can accurately represent the quality of your line as a whole. While there is a margin for error in all productions, these should be at a minimum given a successful sample process.
There are many more types of samples, these are just a few we work with the most.